Boxes for Babies

by | May 6, 2016 | Fun | 0 comments

It’s a Bouncing Baby…Box!

We think about boxes a lot at BoxUp.

We found an unlikely group of people who are also thinking about boxes – American OB/GYNs. As reported in this news segment on NPR, the doctors are encouraging expectant mothers to use boxes upon the birth of their child.

The boxes take the place of bassinets, cribs and co-sleeping arrangements that might typically be used during an infant’s first six months.

The goal is to promote safe infant sleep. Programs such as the one described are modeled after Finnish programs which were designed 80 years ago to decrease troubling infant mortality rates which occur from SIDS, suffocation or other complications of infant sleep.

It’s a fascinating and successful use of the humble corrugated box. Read the full story here.

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