5 Ways to Enhance your Ecommerce Business

Whether or not you’re new to ecommerce marketing, you may feel stuck on how you can increase your revenue stream or even the popularity of your ecommerce business.

Most businesses overlook that the packaging and boxes your business uses can have a huge impact on your customers and their experience with your brand.

When your customers are browsing your online store and picking the product they want, they’re expecting that the product they chose will be one that they love. Why not give them the VIP experience from start to finish? Branded packaging will not only increase brand awareness but also make your customers feel like they’re getting the best product available.

Choosing the Right Ecommerce Packaging

Choosing the right packaging requires an understanding of your products, including their size, weights, and your overall branding. It will take some planning to figure out what boxes are best for your products and the line that you’re rolling out.

No matter what you’re shipping, BoxUp has you covered! Don’t forget to think of the customer’s experience the entire way through. How a box looks on the outside, how it opens, and even how it looks on the inside. You may want to add crinkle paper or other inserts to keep your products protected and the packaging looking high-end.

BoxUp currently offers 5 Types of Boxes for Ecommerce Businesses:

● Display Mailers (most popular!)
● Shipping Box
● Square Mailer
● Gift Mailers
● Gable Box

Check out all the sizes we offer.

Increase Brand Awareness

Business packaging to help with brand awareness

Color and design matter to your brand. It’s extremely important to keep your colors, logos and overall design consistent throughout your ecommerce products, online store, packaging and everything in between. By doing so, you will help to increase brand awareness. You want your customers to see those colors and your logo and instantly know that it’s your business they are looking at.

Once you have the colors of your brand and a design in mind, BoxUp makes designing your custom boxes easy. Once online, you can choose to use our downloadable template and create on your own, or you can utilize our online design tools that make designing your boxes a breeze. From our design tools, you can upload your logo, images and choose pre-patterned templates to help get your creative juices flowing.

Tip: Take a look at our art guide for more information on how to use our design features.

Customer Experience

Custom boxes used by With Love from PDX

Enhancing your customers’ experience will keep them coming back. Let’s be honest, seeing a plain, generic box does not get anyone excited to see what’s inside. But if they see your custom box waiting for them, with all of the vibrant colors and logos, they won’t be able to open it soon enough!

Just as in a brick & mortar store, customer experience is very important for an ecommerce business as well. An enjoyable experience leads to customer loyalty and the foundations of building a community for your online business. Custom boxes are a simple yet effective way of increasing your customer experience and keeping up with your brand awareness. Creating and ordering your custom boxes may be a small step for your business, but to your customers it will look like you really went the extra mile for them.

Don’t forget that your ecommerce business is all about the customer. Make sure they enjoy using your products and being part of your community.

Generate a Social Buzz

Business packaging to help generate buzz

Social media is the leading role of the marketing world for many businesses. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get your ecommerce business out there for people to see. Using custom boxes to send to your ambassadors, influencers and customers is the way to generate that social buzz.

Customers who enjoy opening your boxes may take a video or a photo to put on their Instagram stories with a tag to let everyone know, “look at what I just got.”

You have to make your boxes match your brand and be eye-catching for people who will see it via social media. The power of social media is there, and it’s strong. Personalizing your packaging and what’s inside them will truly make all of the difference.

Going the extra mile

Taking the time to create your own custom boxes and packaging will show how much your company takes pride in your product. Going the extra mile can make your product and company look and feel like your customer is getting the absolute best.

Don’t wait to create your custom shipping boxes. Elevate your brand today by using your logo, your colors and putting out a great representation of your product and ecommerce business.

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